Thursday, March 21, 2013

Homemade Natural Facial Cleanser

Everyday our face and some parts of our skin are exposed to sun, dirt, pollution and so on. It is essential to follow some face care tips to stay with an awesome glow forever. Cleansing is the process of cleaning the skin by removing the impurities and excess oils from it. Homemade natural facial cleanser prepared at home is effective and safe as it contains natural skin care products without any chemicals.

How to make natural cleansers at home?

Here are the few gentle cleansers to get a clear skin. Choose the suitable one according to your skin type.
1. Soak 5-6 almonds overnight, grind it and make a paste with it. Mix egg yolk and few drops of honey to this paste. Use this mixture as a natural cleanser if your skin is dry. Wash it off with lukewarm water after it gets dries.

2. Take some pieces of fresh pineapple and make a thick juice with it. Apply this pulpy juice on the face as a cleanser to overcome the damage by free radicals. This would prevent the aging effects too. Wash it off with lukewarm water after few minutes.

3. Mix raw milk with honey in equal proportion. Apply this effective cleanser to provide moisturizing effect to the skin. Wash it off with cold water after 10-15 minutes. This basic cleanser helps to get a clear soothe skin.

4. Take juice from fresh cucumber and mix it with curd. This facial cleanser can be applied to lighten the black spots and pigments on the face. Wash it off with lukewarm water after few minutes. This is good for dry skin.

5. Mix equal quantity (few drops) cabbage juice, coconut milk and almond oil. By applying this magical cleaner, it is likely to get a fresh and clean skin. For better result, first rinse it off with lukewarm water and then with fresh water.


6. Need cleanser for oily skin? Try these

a. Mash grapes, add few drops of lemon juice and egg yolk to it. Mix thoroughly apply and leave it on the face for 15-20 minutes. Then wash it off with lukewarm water.
b. Mixture of yoghurt, honey and lemon juice works well as a cleanser for oily skin.
c. Combine butter milk and crushed fennel seeds. Boil it for few minutes and then cool it. Apply this and wash it off after few minutes.

7. Take few table spoons of raw milk and keep it refrigerator. Dip cotton in it and wipe the face with it. Wash it off with lukewarm water after few minutes. This cleansing procedure helps to get refreshing and soothing effect of the skin.

8. Blend the following together. Apple, almond oil, lemon juice and yogurt. Apply this awesome cleanser to get rid of the dull and lackluster skin. This is good for all skin types.

9. Take fresh tomato and ripe it. Add few drops of orange juice, lemon juice and raw milk to it. Apply this stimulating cleanser to get flawless skin forever. Wash it off with fresh water after few minutes. For better result keep this mixture in refrigerator for few hours and use it.

10. Mix the following ingredients in equal proportion. Fresh kiwi fruit, orange juice, plain yoghurt, finely grind almond, honey, milk and apricot oil. Apply this mixture on the wet face and massage gently. Wash it off with warm water then with cold water after few minutes. This exfoliating cleanser is good for both dry and oily skin.

It is good to opt organic skin are and use the homemade cleanser to clean your skin at least once in two days. Regular cleansing would help us to stay young and beautiful. Know your skin type and choose the suitable cleanser for better result. All the cleanser should be gently massage on the skin in circular motion. Avoid wiping after it gets dried as it may lead to saggy skin. Take care of your facial skin and stay beautiful!

Share if you know or following any homemade natural cleanser.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Best treatment for acne skin with natural remedies

Looking attractive and beautiful is the choice of everyone but it cannot be attained due to some basic skin problems. Obviously the acne plays a vital role in spoiling the beauty.  Also, I am getting emails from the readers with the questions like
1. Tell acne home remedies
2. Provide remedy for pimples and
3. How to remove acne scars?
So I decided to write about the top beauty problem “Acne” which would be beneficial for my readers. Acne is major problem for most of the people which affect the beauty. Best treatments for acne skin with natural remedies are discussed here to get rid of acne and to retain the beauty.

What is acne? 

If the oil secreting glands in the skin are congested and turned inflamed or infected, then this skin condition is called ‘Acne’. It is categorized by the presence of Whiteheads, Blackheads, Pimples or Papules. It caused due to the changes in the hormones, intake of certain types of medicines, greasy make-up and heredity.

Some factors which make the acne worse

1. Stress and lack of sleep
2. Oil based makeup and consuming oily foods
3. Scrubbing the affected skin
4. Pollution, hot and humid climate. 
These would make the acne worse. Try to avoid these and protect the skin from acne!






How to take care yourself to treat the acne?
Here are some few fruitful tips to treat the acne skin
1. A mild soap can be used to wash the face twice daily.
2. It is suggested that the acne should not be rubbed, picked or squeezed as it may leave scars on the skin.
3. Hair should be washed with a mild shampoo and conditioner once or twice in a week and it should be maintained without dandruff.
4. It is good to stop eating the foods which are spicy, greasy and deeply fried.
5. It would be better to avoid stress and involve in regular physical exercise.
6. Just step out with a sunscreen in summer and avoid occupied in hot places.

These are the basic care for acne. Still you are continuing with it, try these simple home remedies for acne.

Home remedies for acne

1. Water and food: 
Drink purified water at regular interval to flush out the pollutants from the body and skin. Include Iron and vitamin A rich foods in your daily diet as they both are good for acne. 

 2. Lemon and rosewater:
Lemon has astringent properties and works well on acne. Take few drops of lemon juice and mix it with rose water. Apply this mixture on the acne to take away from the skin.

3. Herbal remedy:
Neem and alo-vera are the excellent herbs to treat the acne. By applying the juice taken from these herbs, it is likely to remove the acne and its scars from the skin. Tea tree oil or chamomile herbs can also be used to clear acne.

4. Honey magic:
Honey has both anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Just mix it with almond oil, apple, lemon juice, yogurt, aspirin tablet or cinnamon powder and apply it on the acne to remove it forever. Use filtered honey for better result and it alone can be used to reduce the acne effects.

5. Oatmeal/fenugreek:
Making a paste with oatmeal/fenugreek and placing it on the acne would help to clear it and to remove the scars. Blend oatmeal with water to make a paste and if the fenugreek is used, it should be overnight soaked to grind and paste.

6. Garlic/tomato:
Rubbing raw garlic/tomato on the acne would help to takeaway it from the skin. Both help to cure the acne scars and good for oily skin.

7. Coriander juice, Egg white, Cucumber paste, Orange peel and Baking soda are some of the other useful home ingredients to treat acne effectively.

I am suggesting the readers to know the type of your skin first and follow the suitable simple beauty secrets for better result and get acne free skin.
Do you know any effective natural acne remedy? Share it here for my readers!