Friday, June 25, 2010

Glowing home face tips

* Slightly boil the pure water with any gold jewel like ring, bangle etc and apply this water on the face with cotton.

* Apply ice cubes on the face, first in clockwise direction and then anti clockwise for 5-10 minutes twice in a month.

* Use cotton to scrub the face with unboiled milk daily to get bright look.

* Pour pure water in an utensil, put Neem leaves and a bit of turmeric, then boil it until the steam forms. Then show the face to the steam and wash it with cold water.

* Cut the potatoes and allow it to dry in the sun. Then make into a fine powder, apply it on the face, neck and hand (sun exposed body parts) and wash after 30 minutes to avoid the skin dullness.

* Mix besan with crud, lemon juice and a little turmeric. Apply this mixture on the exposed areas of the body and wash it off after half an hour.

* Scrub the face with rice powder and curd. This acts as a face polish to get better glow.

* Once daily, at any time mix 1 spoon of honey and lemon juice and apply it on the face. Wash it off with pure water after 15 minutes.

* Mix 3 spoons of oats with 1 spoon each of honey, curd, lemon juice or egg white. Apply on the entire face, avoiding the lips and the area around eyes. Then wash it off after half an hour.
* After the face got steamed with pure water, apply ice cubes on it to get rid off the dirt.

* To avoid the rashes in the face during summer, apply pure sandal with rose water. This will keep the body cool.

* To remove the black rings under the eyes, place potato or cucumber pieces on the closed eyes for 10-15 minutes. Also sleep properly to avoid it.

* To avoid the dryness of the face during winter, put banana or papaya face pack with milk. Aloe Vera can also remove the dryness from the face.

* A mixture of besan, lemon juice, sugar and milk removes the dead cells (black heads) on the nose.

* If the neck seem to be dark, the apply lemon juice with milk to retain the original skin colour.