Thursday, February 21, 2013

Worst foods for skin which affects the beauty

Everyone wishes to have the clear skin as it is closely related to beauty. Definitely a bad skin affects the beauty and so it is vital to take care of it. I discussed and presented healthy skin care tips in my previous posts, but now with the list of bad foods which make the skin flaky.
If you want dynamic skin with flawless glow, a healthy diet should be consumed and the following bad skin foods should be escaped from your daily diet.

1. Dairy products
Dairy products are the sources of calcium but excess intake would lead to acne and breakouts. Avoid milk, yogurt, cheese and ice cream or at least reduce the in taking amount of these products. Replace it with green-leafy vegetables to get calcium.

2. Dehydrating foods
Dehydration makes the skin dry, invite wrinkles and finally result in aging skin. So stop consuming the dehydrating foods like processed meats, frozen and canned foods, caffeine, alcohol and salt based foods. Replace these with pumpkin, watermelon and cucumber.

3. Junk foods (foods with trans-fat and fried foods)
Junk foods are high in sugar and fat which would cause clogged up pores and blemishes on the skin. Pizza, burger, candy, cake, donuts, noodles, French fries are some of the junk foods spoil the skin. Replace these with healthy junk foods like popcorn, dark chocolate and coconut.


4. High glycemic foods
High glycemic foods reduce the flexibility and elasticity of the skin which would make the skin to appear flaky with aging signs. White rice, potato chips, white bread, cornflakes are the high GI foods which would lead to dermatitis. Replace these with brown rice, whole wheat, barley and quinoa.

5. Other edible foods
Non-organic foods, foods with artificial sweeteners & preservatives, poor quality supplements, foods with gluten and soft drinks must be avoided as these would cause rashes and breakouts in skin. Replace these with fresh fruits & vegetables, fiber and anti-oxidant rich foods.

Taking care of skin is essential part in maintaining a flawless beauty. Get natural skin care by eating healthy foods and get beautiful skin with perfect glow forever!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Simple beauty and skin care tips for men

Everyone wants to look healthy and young. Beauty tips are not exclusively for women. Men also desire to look young, so am presenting the simple beauty tips for men in this post. In taking nutritious diet, getting enough sleep, performing regular exercise, using sunscreen, regular hair cutting and shaving, quitting alcohol and smoking are the basic beauty tips and secrets for men to look charming.  Best men grooming tips are given below to appear attractive forever.

1. Before shaving the face should be washed with warm water. Use cold water to clean the face after shaving. Do shaving with cream based cleanser instead of gel based. It is good to shave in the evening and apply oil free moisturizer after shaving.
2. Mix stiff sea salt, lavender oil, almond oil with water. Apply this mixture on the skin (particularly on hands, legs and neck) as a natural scrub. After it gets dried, wash it off with lukewarm water to get a fresh feel.
3. To get soft and smooth face, mash banana and strawberry. Mix together and apply it on the face. Wash it off with water after 30 minutes.
4. As honey is a natural moisturizer and brown sugar is the natural exfoliate, both can be combined finely to treat the dandruff.
5. Make a paste with aloe-vera and cucumber with the help of a blender. Apply this on the face and sun exposed areas of skin to get rid of suntan/sunburn.



6. Applying a mixture of lime juice, rose water and glycerin removes the pimples and blackheads on the face.
7. Ice cubes can be rubbed gently on the skin to improve the blood circulation and to boost the health of the skin.
8. Skin glowing tip for men: Soak almond overnight and grind it with yogurt. Then add honey & oats to it and make a paste with it. Apply this on the face, neck and the required areas of skin. Leave it for 10 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water to get glowing skin.
9. Beat the egg white and add few drops of lemon juice to it. Apply this as a mask to the face and wash it off with warm water after it gets dried. This would reduce the size of skin pores and finally result in spineless skin.
10. Mashed avocado can be used to treat the dry skin on the body. Few drops of apple cider vinegar mixed to the bathing water can be used to treat the bad body odor.

Generally the skin of the men needs care as gets dirtier quicker and prone to oiliness. So cleansing and moisturizing the skin almost daily is essential for men. It is good to avoid using chemical based soaps & creams and opt natural beauty care and skin care regimen to yield flawless glowing skin.

I hope the above mentioned men beauty tips are simple and effective to get awesome beauty. If you know any men skin care tips, please share it for my readers.